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Flexible Consulting Services to Meet Your Needs

Blended Power's supports our clients through complete technical services for engineering, construction, and interconnection. These services, listed below, provide a detailed analysis of sites including risk, opportunities, and support.

Check below to review some examples of our support and services


  • Competitor Project Identification

  • One Line Diagram

  • Utility Coordination

  • Interconnection Application

Procurement & Construction

  • Study and Survey Solicitation

  • EPC Cost Estimates

  • Equipment Selection

  • EPC Contract Solicitation & Negotiation

  • Owners Rep Services


  • Preliminary Layouts

  • Energy Models

  • Design Optimization

  • ​Desktop Geotech

  • Glare Study

  • Preliminary Hydrology

  • Viewshed Analysis



Detailed evaluation of glare issues on a solar project; Can be performed for FAA permit applications or to support local jurisdiction permitting documents

Glare Study


Combined engineering report that includes a detailed plant layout, optimized energy model, EPC pricing estimate, and project construction schedule

4 Pack Engineering


We provide EPC backed indicative pricing using our proprietary methodology and exclusive relationships with industry leading contractors

EPC Cost Estimates


We perform buildability analysis to confirm design assumptions, inform equipment selection, pinpoint project risks, and identify solutions to improve project economics

Design Optimization


Desktop evaluation of geotechnical issues for a project based on existing GIS layers including bedrock, depth to water, soil, topography, hydric soil and erosion

Desktop Geotechnical


Desktop evaluation of the hydrology issues on the site based on the existing FEMA maps and USFWS wetlands; Can be updated based on new studies and information

Desktop Hydrology

Case Studies

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